Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday, October 24 -

There is not much new to report today. Margaret continues to improve in leaps and bounds. She reported this evening that she is sore due to squatting exercises. The physical therapist lead her in a series of exercises whereby she would stand up out of her chair, squat down, straighten up, sit down, and then repeat the exercise all over again. She was able to conduct this exercise 3 times in a row.

Her occupational therapy continues to become more stringent with each passing day. Tuesday found Margaret wheeling herself into the bathroom to use the commode and the sink - all by herself - but, of course under the watchful eye of the therapist. Again, normal, mundane activities that we take for granted, Margaret is trying to relearn. So far, so good!

Both occupational and physical therapists continue to try to wean Margaret off of the oxygen, and she is reponding well. Margaret is fighting to get released, and the recovery of her oxygen saturation level really seems to be responding! She is walking a tremendous amount each day with the assistance of a walker, and should she be released and still reliant on a walker, Margaret is up to the challenge. She insists that her pride will absolutely NOT get in the way.

Tom is hanging tough at home with his healthcare worker. He rides to the skilled nursing facility every day to sit with his wife. Around 4 each afternoon, he gets a ride home. This unfortunate situation in which Tom and Margaret have found themselves will eventually pass. Soon they will find themselves in Tennessee - right around the corner from family. Our prayers should mimick theirs - that God will see the Suttles through this difficult ordeal, delivering them safely to 49 Bethany Drive in Jackson, TN. God willing, they'll make it! More tomorrow, ya'll! Stay tuned!

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