Wednesday, December 05, 2007

We are spending a cozy night at home. The gas logs are burning and there's an SEC basketball game on TV. This morning we went out to run a few errands and it was beautiful and sunny--almost too warm for the jacket I was wearing. Right after lunch I looked out and it was overcast, the wind was blowing and the temperature was dropping. What we used to say about Mississippi weather can be said about Tennessee weather as well. "If you're not pleased with the weather, wait five minutes and it will change." It did!

Drew got his glasses yesterday and his mom brought him by on their way home so we could see him. He looks very studious. We were at his house when he came from school today and I watched as he took them off and very carefully took the cleaning cloth out of the case and cleaned the lens. I could learn from Drew.

Sunday I lived out every preacher's nightmare--or at least one of them. I was late to the service. I allowed myself plenty of time to drive the fifteen or twenty miles to the church and thought I was arriving early so I could familiarize myself with the bulletin before the service. As I turned off the highway I spotted the sign out front which stated that the Sunday worship time is 10:30 a.m. It was already 10:35. A man was waiting by the door to help me in, give me the lapel mike, the organist was doodling and the choir was marking time waiting to process. Everyone was very gracious in spite of my mistake.

Once again our house looks like we're either moving in or out. Tom went in the attic this afternoon to get down all our Christmas stuff. It's amazing how much we have accumulated. It looks like we have saved every decoration we have ever had. We never use everything we have, but I can't bear to recycle or thow any thing away. Tom can be unusually patient with my silliness.

Right before dinner I read my daughter's latest blog and I was touched by the depth of her emotion and her understanding of a cancer patient's mind. She had been linked to a blogger who wrote of "living with a terminal illness" and commented on that blog in relation to her dear friend who has inflammatory breast cancer and her mom who can't seem to outrun cancer cells. It makes my life so much easier to know that my children "get it," but don't dwell on the negatives. They let me live, encourage me by their attitudes and plan for tomorrow like there will be lots and lots of them.

In this season that reminds us of the hope and peace that Jesus brings, it is my special prayer that you will know that Hope and share in the Peace that guarantees joy and blessing.

Pastor Margaret

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