Friday, November 30, 2007

My mother's instinct failed me this week. Tommy called to ask if I had noticed the Christmas tree in the fellowship hall Wednesday night. I said I had and he proceeded to tell me that it came from Lowe's and that they had a great selection for a reasonable price. "Umm--that's nice." That unenthuastic comment brought renewed enthusiasm from him. He said he could go with us, have them wrap the tree in netting, put it on top of our car or put down the back seats and put it inside. I told him that the last time we put a tree two years ago it was really hard for his dad to manage. I'm still clueless when he said that he'd bring it in, put it in the stand and Liz could put on the lights. Then the grandchildren could come over and help decorate like he and his sister used to do at their grandparents' house. I finally got it! So, Tom and I talked and decided we'd put up a tree after all. I'm so glad my grown children have such fond memories of their traditions.

I'm almost finished with our shopping and my front bedroom is bulging at the seams. Not only are my purchases in there, but Liz's as well. Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house is great for hiding things. One might mistake us for the North Pole. Next week I'm devoting to wrapping and getting things in the mail. I have to get it all done before the next treatment.

Today we learned that Drew, the middle grandchild, five years old, needs glasses. I'm just sure it came from the paternal side of the family. His Paw Paw, great uncle and Aunt Marty all had glasses at an early age. The doctor says he should do well with glasses once he notices how much better he sees things.

We are looking forward to a busy weekend. I am preaching in a neighboring town on Sunday and Tom and I volunteered to cook supper for the junior highs at our church Sunday night. We'll go to Tommy's Saturday afternoon to watch the SEC championship game with them.

I'm excited about the sermon. The pastor planned an Advent series called the "Songs of Advent" and I will have as my text Luke 1:46-55, known as Mary's Magnificat. A couple of years ago I taught and later preached on the passage in the first part of the chapter when the angel visits Mary and tells her that she is favored by God and will bear His Son. There is such a contrast in that passage and Mary's response and then Mary's song beginning in verse 46. At first she was puzzled, knowing the criticism she would encounter as a young virgin who finds herself expecting a child. But she was submissive to the will of God and relinquished her will, her body, her whole self to do God's bidding. Her song in verses 46-55 is a direct result of that submission, I believe that being in God's will brings a joy that is almost inexpressible. Note how bright and hopeful she is as compared to the hopelessness she must have first felt. Can you relate? I certainly can. Letting God have control is the only way we experience true joy in this life. Letting God be in charge is our hope, physically and spiritually. Praise be to Him who is our Hope!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Pastor Margaret

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