Saturday, October 05, 2013

Back again . . .

Life is full of excuses.  One of the main ones in my life lately is the problem I have with communication.  The computer continues to do as it pleases, when it pleases.  Several times I have gotten ready to post and I couldn't bring up the right page or it wouldn't take my password.  What's up with that?  Most often I do Facebook on my Kindle Fire, but last night it froze, wouldn't do anything.  In the night the battery died, but fortunately when I plugged it into charge, it worked and is happily charging away.  I still prefer phone calls and snail mail if face to face isn't possible.  Saying that reminds me of just how wide my circle of friends has grown through the years.  Seeing all of you face to face is not possible.  We remain connected by wire, mail, cyberspace and best of all the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. 

Let me tell you what's been happening.  Thursday, October 3, I saw my Hattiesburg oncologist and began the sixth cycle of treatment.  He laughed when we met and said that he wasn't even scheduling but two treatments in this cycle since I hadn't made it to the third one but once anyway. That means I have one more this coming Thursday, then go to Jackson for scans on October 28.  Words cannot express how glad I'll be to change the routine! 

Because of circumstances I missed a reunion with some friends who started to college together in 1958.  Some of us have remained in close touch, some not so much; some have seen each other, some haven't since we graduated in 1962.  A friend from South Carolina messaged me and volunteered to come by here, pick me up and take me, but I reluctantly decided that was not best.  So, when the gathering broke up on Sunday, she came to Petal and spent the night.  We had not seen each other in 19 years--had lost of catching up to do.  It was such a treat!  We stayed up entirely too late talking, but it was medicine for my soul. 

Just before Alyce, the above mentioned friend, arrived Tommy calmly walked in my door to say he  was still planning to cook supper, but he had to leave then because Elisa had just broken her arm.  His demeanor is not always so calm, but at that moment, he sounded like his dad.  Off they went to get the arm set!  Needless to say, we had leftovers to eat and he went to the grocery for me when he returned at ten.  Elisa is doing fine, doesn't complain. 

In other news . . . the racoon seems to have disappeared, though we did not trap it.  It is suspected that all the clearing in the 16th section land next to us disturbed its habitat and it left.  One of the two roosters got progressively more aggressive and mean and had to be eliminated.  Giovanni is now resting in the freezer waiting to be cooked and devoured.  Maggie, our Great Pyrenees, is amazing.  She, instinctively, herds and protects the chickens, having had no instruction from Tommy.  I have not had opportunity to witness her firsthand, but get reports a couple of times a week on her actions. 
She is doing what she was created by God to do! 

Two quiet time points to ponder:  One is not so new; I just don't practice it and it has to do with prayer for the world, our nation, community, our families.  It is easy to recite the problems, as we see them, say a prayer and move on to something else, but how often do we see ourselves as part of the problems and pray specifically for God to change us, use us?  For instance, we might pray for the people being oppressed in third world countries, but fail to recognize how we could be oppressing the people in our employment.  "Please care for the people who don't have  enough to eat or live on," while we ignore the living conditions of those next door.  We have had a ridiculous political situation right here in Hattiesburg.  At first, I stayed on the outside, looking in since we live in the county more closely associated with Petal.  The details are not necessary, but it has to do with a mayoral election and corruption surrounding it. Then there is now the stand off in our national government.  People are being adversely affected in several ways, while officials continue holding onto their opinions, whether they are right or wrong.  I fear that we pray rather flippantly for God to do something, instead of praying for the elimination of evil and corruption, for the absence of greed and for God to raise up God fearing individuals to lead.  Could it be that God might be calling one of us?

The other point is closely associated and comes from one of my Bible readings this morning.  I was reading about the reign of King Solomon and came to the place where God asked Solomon what he wanted from Him.  The Message translation in I Kings 3:9 says Solomon asked for " . . . a God listening heart. . . "  What difference would such a prayer make in our daily lives?  Today I need energy and cessation of nausea; it was on my prayer list.  But, focus on God, His provision, His promises, His grace is what has sustained me and it never ends.  The focus wavers and grows weary.  A "God listening heart" helps keep the focus.  That will head my prayer list from now on. 

Pastor Margaret


2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

loved the "God Listening heart." will mark that and ponder on it while talking with the GOD who hears us. We desperately need leaders who will hear GOD and walk in His ways. We as Christians need to listen to God and to walk in His ways too-- that would make a big difference in our land today.

2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

loved the "God Listening heart." will mark that and ponder on it while talking with the GOD who hears us. We desperately need leaders who will hear GOD and walk in His ways. We as Christians need to listen to God and to walk in His ways too-- that would make a big difference in our land today.