Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Coming Soon . . .

For the past two years I have had the privilege of writing Advent devotionals for the church where Tom is a member and where we attend when not at Humboldt. The church secretary does a most creative job of taking my material, finding appropriate artwork and formatting the booklet. In 2008 I posted a devotional every day of the Advent season and plan to do the same this year--only we're going to try to use the PDF I was sent and copy it on the blog site. I'll begin posting on November 28 so that those who are interested will have a devotional ready for the first day and will continue through Christmas Eve. At the end of this spot today I'll test and see if the file copies well. Today is only a test.

Yesterday was my birthday and never has so much attention been paid to one person on their birthday. There were many facebook messages, e-mails, phone calls, cards, presents, a special blog written by our daughter's best friend from junior high days. Then, of course, there were the beautiful red roses Tom had delivered and the gourmet meal Tommy & Liz prepared last night. In the afternoon Marty called, put Christopher on the phone and he said two really important words - "day" and "love." I knew he was saying "happy birthday" and "I love you." Meredith was so excited that we were going to be at their house to celebrate that she was beside herself. She gave me the special treat she was given at playschool yesterday and kept reminding me that it was my birthday and giving me hugs. Of course, I never doubt the love of my family and I know I have the most wonderful friends in the world, but yesterday they all outdid themselves! It was quite a day!!

Tom had a visit with his neurologist on Monday. Again he was cautioned about his weight and the dangers of his losing more muscle mass and getting too weak. There is also a matter of his lowered blood pressure. Too bad I can't transfer both weight and blood pressure to him! He is going to start another round of speech therapy and begin physical therapy next Monday. Hopefully, a little help with exercise will increase his energy level. He also has a follow up with the neurologist who administered the Botox injections. I think they have helped some; Tom isn't so sure.

In the midst of your Thanksgiving preparations, remember to thank God for every blessing--those that are obvious and those that are not. Most importantly, thank God for all things whether we consider them blessings or not. He can and does use the events in our lives for His glory and our good.

(The test to see whether or not I can copy from the PDF file is next. You should see the cover of the booklet. Everything else begins Saturday night, the 28th.)

Pastor Margaret

The test didn't work. I'll have to do some more research to see what I'm missing.

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