Saturday, September 26, 2009

The weekend is here; the Bulldogs are playing LSU on TV and at this point are ahead by one. It's too early in the game to tell much, and of course, the rain that has been drenching parts of the South for the last couple of weeks is making its presence known on the playing field. If we're still on top at the end of the game, many will be surprised, including me.

It has been another busy week with ministry responsibilities and opportunities. I moderated the Humboldt Session Monday night and attended a Stewardship Campaign committee meeting Wednesday before supper. I can't say I've never preached a stewardship sermon because I believe that stewardship is a way of life, not confined to a season, so there have been stewardship themes when appropriate to the text. However, I've never fashioned a whole month of messages around stewardship. I find myself really excited about the work the committee has done and looking forward to sharing God's word on the subject. A lady asked me the other night why ministers don't preach tithing anymore. Good question! It's not a popular topic and I think some people don't want to face criticism for preaching what people don't want to hear. Please pray that, in all ways, I will be faithful to the word of God.

As a representative of the Older Adult Task Force at our local church I went to visit one of our Friend at Home couples this week. We had actually met the couple at a Parkinson's support group, not at church. She, the one with PD, is a retired piano professor and he is a retired band professor. God uses the experiences in our lives to help us with ministry and my visit with them was no exception. I have missed visiting with people, sharing the fellowship of the Body of Christ.

One afternoon I went over to Tommy's to sit with the two sleeping little girls while he went to get Jacob from school. About ten minutes after he left I heard little feet and here came Meredith with her "night night" into the den. She climbed up in my lap and tried so hard to keep her eyes open, but couldn't. Holding her, rocking her and looking down at her cherubic features made me reflect on words in Psalms 127 and 128. In the first, the psalmist writes of our children being a heritage and reward from the Lord and in the second he writes of blessings that come to the one who fears the Lord. The next to the last verse says: May you live to see your children's children. Meredith, remembering the psalms, remembering where we have been evoked prayers of gratitude. Pray without ceasing for your children and grandchildren. As the psalmist said, they are one of life's rewards.

Monday is test day in Memphis. I have blood work, scans and an appointment with the oncologist. If feeling is any indication of state of health, mine is excellent. The return of energy has been welcomed with more things to do with it. We expect a good report, but take nothing for granted. Please pray for continued remission or be bold and pray for healing like we do. I rest in God's faithful promises to always be with me!

Pastor Margaret

1 comment:

Jo Thompson said...

Mark and I watched the Mississippi vs. LSU game and the one the day before that Ole Miss played. I thought of you both times :) I enjoy your posts and am so glad that I can hear your voice speaking the words as I read them. What a blessing the years you spent in Fair Oaks were and what a blessing you continue to be to our lives through your blog. Thank you!