Sunday, April 05, 2009

Finally, we are getting back to normal or whatever our "normal" is these days. Treating the lung symptoms has helped so much! My breathing is better, the energy level has gone up and over all I'm feeling better. What a relief!! Tom is to have an upper GI scope the early part of next week. He had his annual check up with the gastroenterologist this past week and we're still looking for answers and help for his weight loss. I think we all suspect that Parkinson's is the cause, but we need to be sure.

Yesterday Tom spent about four hours watching the webcase of a Parkinson's symposium in Houston. I am amazed with the technology! Other than sitting for all that time with a laptop perched on you, it's an easy way too tune into the latest information. The symposium yesterday was about the effects of exercise and creativity on Parkinson's and it was excellent.

Jacob is growing up too fast. I saw him last Sunday after Sunday School after his having been out of town for five or six days. He was standing in the fellowship hall visiting with a young lady, but when he saw me, he stopped, gave me a quick hug and said hello. I didn't see him again until Friday night when we went to their house to eat supper. His first words when I walked in: "Mawmaw, you got a hair cut." Actually, I had gotten this extreme hair cut while he was out of town. He had seen me on Sunday--without really seeing me. The young lady must have held his total attention, a sure sign that adolescence is on its way.

Yesterday afternoon I had a phone call from Christopher. Marty said he had been playing with the phone, saying "Nana," so she said, "Why don't we call her?" Of course, when I said hello, he got really quiet for a while, but I did hear "hi" before they hung up. We can't wait to spend some time with him this summer.

We had supper with Tommy and family Friday night, the first time we had been to their house for a meal in five weeks. In honor of the occasion Tommy copied a dish he had eaten in one of his all time favorite restaurants, The Crescent City Grill in Hattiesburg, MS. He made andouille and pecan encrusted salmon on the grill--a real treat. I had planned to make a dessert, but got involved making something else to take and ran out of time. True to form, Drew walked through the kitchen and asked if I had brought dessert. You can bet I had something ready last night when we grilled hot dogs and hamburgers together.

Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. It is a week when the thoughts of Christians turn to the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus. But, just as surely as these days bring sorrow, the resurrection which follows brings great joy and celebration. May this be a week of reflection and repentance, culminating with the proclamation: I know that my Redeemer lives.

Pastor Margaret

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