Monday, August 11, 2008

Our trip to Corinth to the oncologist last Friday didn't provide all the answers we were seeking. A scan was necessary for the doctor to make specific recommendations so I had that done today and we will return to the oncologist this coming Friday. Visiting with him last week sent me scurrying to the computer to see what I could learn on my own. I read and heard before so much of what I found. I know the original diagnosis; I know what I have now is called recurrent cancer; I know a little about the different drugs that are used for treatment. BUT, there are so many unknowns! I wrote someone that it's like adding two and two and getting five. There are many variables. We do know that some sort of treatment is coming again--just not what it will be or when it will begin. We covet your prayers--certainly for a miracle and especially for God's all sufficient grace.

The day began by our going to the neurology clinic for Tom to have an MRI. This was the last test in a series of three that were ordered before he returns the end of the month. Tonight we are tired of all that both his test and mine entailed.

After a late lunch we hurried to a postal place to get my retirement application in to the Board of Pensions. Since leaving Fair Oaks I have been on disability, but eligibility for that is expiring this month and it's time for me to officially retire. I'm not sure which words I find the most distasteful: disabled or retired. I never really thought of myself as not being able to work and retirement was always in my far distance future. That was my plan, not God's. This morning I read Proverbs 11 and this verse of promise struck me: A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. One large part of ministry is serving God by serving God's people. That service comes in different shapes and forms. It might be by teaching and/or preaching God's Word; maybe by discipling others; certainly by offering care and compassion. Pastoral care was a large part of my call at Fair Oaks and God equipped me. He provided the resources I needed to respond to the needs of others and by responding I was blessed. The verse in Proverbs, in my mind, is a part of the promise of abundant life. Here's another prayer request: please pray that even in retirement, God will give me the opportunity to bless others.

Tonight we are enjoying some leftover jambalya that Tommy cooked for a church dinner yesterday. I had a little taste when I went down to make the dessert for the dinner and it was really good. I'd love to be able to give you all a taste.

News of the grandchildren: Jacob, Sarah and Drew all like their new teachers. Jacob is looking forward to beginner band this year; Sarah is glad to be in the same class with her friends; Drew is in first grade and seems ready to take on whatever comes. Meredith is going to play school two mornings a week, rather than day care. She'll be in charge after the first month. Elisa is now doing more crawling than scooting. I have to hurry to keep up with her. Christopher has learned to growl, prefers vegetables and tolerates fruit--like his mother. Mallory is a good big sister to Christopher and since she's in a year round school, she's already started her "new year." Everyday brings something new from each one of them. Aren't grandchildren special?

Have a good week. We'll keep you posted on things at this end.

Pastor Margaret

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