Friday, July 11, 2008

Monday we made our monthly trip to Corinth to have blood work done. Tuesday brought the news we didn't want to hear: my CA125 is up ten points to 22.9. I've long known that oncology nurses are a rare breed and Wendy is no exception. She called to give me the results, to remind me that under 35 is normal and to say she would talk with the doctor and call me again yesterday. He reminded her that the April scans, while not perfect, were okay, nothing was found on examination so he's not concerned at this point. She conveyed all that with the admonition for me not to be concerned yet. Tom's comment was: "The doctor is not married to you either."

I know the drill--what my current doctor thinks--he's thorough and I trust him. Then I hear my California doctor telling me he wanted the count under 20 and that the amount of the jump in the count is telling. Here's the real deal. Good as they are, neither doctor is actually the healer. They know what they know from study and experience and what they tell me is an expert opinion at best. Should I be concerned? I'm not. Why waste a perfectly good month stewing over something that is out of my control? I know the real Healer. I'll let Him be in charge.

Tommy and I made an eight o'clock visit to the Farmers' Market Tuesday to buy peas to freeze, only to be disappointed. The man who we buy from said we should be there Wednesday between seven and seven thirty and he'd have some. So, after a mostly sleepless night for me, Tom and I got up and rushed off to buy the promised peas. There were none. Again, the message was, "I'll have some tomorrow." I couldn't go yesterday--had to have my car at the dealership early for a big check-up. Today there is too much else to get done. By now, however, I'm obsessed with peas, determined not to be denied. This winter when we're enjoying pink eye, purple hull treats, I'll think of summer and know they were worth all the trouble it's taking to buy them.

Sunday is Elisa's baptism. In addition to doing the baptism, I will also preach. It will be a memorable day for us. Tom will have tears of joy in his eyes and our hearts will be full. The sermon, Letter to Elisa, will be my attempt at sharing what baptism means, that it a sign of God's promise made to each of us. He is our God; we are His people. Therefore, the promises He has made are true, never to be broken. He is faithful to them, to us. Lest I omit any of the lectionary for the day, I'll tell her what Psalm 119:105 says about God's word being a light for our way and then the P.S. for her parents and her church family from Deut. 6:4-9. She won't know a word I say, but she'll know who is holding her at the time of the baptism and I pray that my life will be a sermon for her in the days to come. The sermon really is a bringing together of what I most want all my grandchildren to know: Life is all about God and God's faithful promises; God has given us His word to guide us. The P.S. is a charge to adult family and church family be Godly examples.

Monday I'm off to Sacramento. I can't wait!!!!

Pastor Margaret

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