Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dancing in the Streets

The public schools of Jackson-Madison County officially closed yesterday. Most, including teachers, were happy to say goodbye to another year. Liz has had a particularly challenging time with one "special" child. I know it has been frustrating and tiring to deal with this child in a loving manner, but she's done it. Wednesday the child's mom and grandmom came and heaped thank yous and praises on Liz--proof that they know a good teacher when they see one. Makes me proud! The school board is doing a grand job of moving people around for next year. Some pupils don't know yet where they are being assigned. It's a mess, but it's not peculiar to this town. I learned when Marty was here that their daughter, Mallory, had everything set to enter high school and got a letter telling her she was being reassigned in the Raleigh area. I picked up Jacob from school yesterday and loved being able to go the last day. He and I have a routine of getting ice cream on the way home and if he talks to me at all, it's then. I'm a grandmother, so I'm safe.

The week was long for us--didn't have that much to do, but we both were tired every day. Things started looking up this morning and I'm hoping blood counts will rise and I'll feel better. Our dishwasher just quit a week ago Friday. It was FULL, controls set and it wouldn't start. It was Tuesday before a service man could come and he gave the "good news" that it would cost almost to fix it as a new one. We're talking about a 3 year old Kitchen Aid! Aren't they supposed to be the be all and end all? Let me tell you. They are not. The KA had a one year parts and labor warranty and when it expired I bought a two year extended warranty which expired
May 7--exactly one week before it decided to just sit there and occupy space. After much discussion, we determined to buy a new one, but couldn't make it to the store until late yesterday. We have always searched, researched, compared stores, compared warranties, before deciding. This time I said: "Let's just go to the place where we know and trust what we are told and buy it there." We did and ended up buying a machine with a warranty longer than my life expectancy. Sometimes I have set goals of living until my children are adults, living to see my grandchildren graduate from high school, or living to be Tom's carepartner. Never have I had the goal of outliving the warranty on the dishwasher. Now I do!

Tomorrow is Pentecost and it also the preschool graduation for the Presbyterian Day School at Humboldt. I have really enjoyed the sermon preparations for Lent, the Easter season, Ascension etc. and I've been focused on Pentecost. Then, I wondered how to combine that with a focus on the children that would be spotlighted tomorrow. After Wednesday night Bible study I mentioned my dilemna and my friend Mel said "go for Pentecost." Proven point. That was the work of the Holy Spirit, speaking through Mel to tell me where to focus. God promised us His presence and His power through the Holy Spirt; Jesus told the disciples to use that power to be His witnesses, first at home, then in the workplace, the community and out in the world (my words). Who better, who more important do we have to bear witness to than the children God has entrusted to our care? Happy Birthday Church!!! I'll be wearing my stole that is mostly red made by my friend Joan at FOPC.

Sometime in June or July we're going to Raleigh to see our family there and for me to baptize Colin. What a blessing to hold your grandchild, declare him a member of the family of God and to pray for him to follow the way of Christ! It will be a wonderful day!

Pastor Margaret

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