Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This has been a season of planting for us. After having the raised bed in the backyard cleaned of several years of neglect, we have had a good time planning a colorful layout and getting the flowers in the ground. We walk out almost daily to check their progress, willing them to bloom. We also faithfully water and feed on a regular schedule.

Coming from the neighborhood post office yesterday afternoon we noticed a yard full of day lilies for sale and that began conversation on how they'd fit into our yard. When we got home I went on line to check growing requirements and this morning Tom was ready to start preparing a bed--until a heavy downpour put a stop to that plan. For the first time in all our years together we have both actually enjoyed working together in the yard and one of the rewards of retirement is having the time to sit on the back porch and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

It has also been a season of planting in ministry. The continuing process of creating a colorful yard that will be enjoyed by us and visited by birds and butterflies is not unlike the process we take in ministry. A goal is established--make disciples; plants or seeds are selected--truths from God's word; seeds are sown, plants are planted by different methods--preaching, teaching, pastoral care; in both instances we nurture with food and water and we pray for results. God is the one who brings forth fruit; we reap the rewards. We have both been rewarded with a warm reception by the Humboldt congregation and I have gotten words of encouragement and the promise of prayerful support. "For everything there is a season."

Pastor Margaret

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