Thursday, September 20, 2007

Last night at Wednesday night supper our program was given by a church member who spoke on spiritual disciplines. It was an unusually good talk and not at all the direction I go when asked to talk on the same topic. I'm more of a "how to" and "here are some suggestions to get you started" speaker. Her approach was along the lines of "here are some spiritual disciplines" and here are the benefits of following any or several of them.

Just last week I was reminded of how I began and wrote of that beginning in my last post. As the lady spoke last night I was reminded over and over of the benefits and how we have been over mountains, in the valleys and the wilderness especially in the last several years. The journey has had lots of road blocks and detours, but always God has been faithful to us. I would not know that if I just read my Bible now and then, here and there. God knew what was ahead for us and He prepared me.

She spoke of "living in the present," and how, even in the Bible, people were always waiting for something. She certainly described how I've lived most of my life--waiting to grow up and leave home, have my own family, have enough money to not worry about our next meal, to see my children grow up, marry and be happy. You know what I mean. Then, suddenly, I'm facing the winter of my life and I wonder what there is left for me to await. Is God finished with me just because I have no installed position, no official call? What I have is the present. Today. It is a day that God has given. I will, as the psalmist exhorts, rejoice and be glad in it.

My biggest problem is not waiting for the future, but in dwelling in the past. I will probably always miss the ministry God gave me in California. I know I will always miss the people. Their faces and lives are written on my heart. But God, in His infinite wisdom and goodness, has put us here. We are close to family and I am beginning to be busier than I ever thought possible. God is good. And God continues to teach me as I continue to read and meditate on His word.

On a lighter note--Our grandchildren usually let us know on Wednesday nights that they are glad to see us. Drew, the kindergartener, grabbed me around the knees and proudly announced that he is still on purple. That's the best conduct color he can achieve and one he works hard to have. Jacob, the oldest and sweetest, came to kiss us goodbye with blue green lips he acquired by eating some candy concoction. Sarah ran by the table to say hello and give us a hug, but Meredith, the youngest, got my goat. She has been saying "Paw Paw" for months, but usually runs to me. I open my arms and scoop her up. Last night she spotted us, came running, I opened my arms and she intentionally sidestepped me and went straight for Paw Paw. He is still grinning.

We are definitely living in the present and loving it.

Pastor Margaret

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